GPG Electronics

25 year Anniversary


Listen our unique song

Una canzone appositamente creata per festeggiare i 25 anni della GPG Electronics!

Un testo unico e iconico per festeggiare non solo la nostra ditta, ma soprattutto i 25 anni di tecnologia e di innovazione che ci hanno accompagnato dalla nascita della nostra società fino ad oggi.


Qui sotto trovate il testo della nostra canzone:

Open all the windows and look at the sky, like a blink of an eye

(You'll see your future)

Send an input to me quick! So that I, can download data in your mind

(The world is in your hand)

A bitten apple rides the waves of tomorrow

An android tries to catch the letters of the alphabet

Press the keyboard now and see on your monitor

Thousand supernovas shine in the sea of life

Technology goes on, Tomorrow is here now

We go beyond the imaginable

Technology goes onTomorrow is here now

We go beyond the imaginable

Find the domain of your needs and place the storage, for tomorrow

Electronic streets and wireless connection will, take you safe and in security

A bitten apple rides the waves of tomorrow

An android tries to catch the letters of the alphabet

Press the keyboard now and see on your monitor

Thousand supernovas shine in the sea of life

Technology goes on, Tomorrow is here now

We go beyond the imaginable

Technology goes onTomorrow is here now

We go beyond the imaginable